
I.P. „CTIF” in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, announces the adjustment of the reporting functionality for small value purchases through the electronic procurement platform ""
The upcoming improvements to the function...

I.P. „CTIF”, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, announces adjustments to the reporting functionality for low-value procurement through the electronic procurement platform „”.
The functional improveme...

Informația privind achizițiile publice din Sistemul informațional...
Ministerul Finanțelor de comun cu Instituția Publică „Centrul de Tehnologii Informaționale în Finanțe", în scopul sporirii transparenței, obiectivității, imparțialității procedurilor de achiziții publice, cît și a asigurării u...
What is MTender
The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova is leading a transition to digital public procurement to ensure more transparent and efficient spending of the state budget of the Republic of Moldova. New digital government service – MTender - will support public procurement from planning the purchase to payment for public contracts. It will shorten time for tendering for public bodies and waiting time for payment for suppliers and contractors.

With MTender digital service, all public tenders are accessible online and every procurement decision transparently published online in real time. Citizens can watch government procurement decisions and how taxpayers money are spent on public services.

On account of online and easy to participate tenders, the new fully digital procurement service will offer better access to opportunities in public procurement for business community, in particular local small and medium-sized enterprises.

For public bodies, new digital service will also bring improved planning of spending, quicker purchases and better-quality as a result of ‘zero paper’ electronic bidding procedures.
The MTender is a multi-platform networking digital procurement service it, comprise a government-operated web portal and the Open Data central database unit and is networking with several commercial electronic platforms certified to support electronic tendering procedures for public sector and commercial clients.
The MTender networking electronic procurement platform is a commercial electronic platform, authorised and certified for networking with the MTender and providing digital electronic tendering services to public sector clients as well as commercial buyers. Each MTender networking platform is providing a help desk service to buyers and economic operators registered on this platform to access digital services of the MTender.