Dezvoltat cu sprijinul Ministerului Finațelor

For Civil Society

In marker Become a buyer economy competition, equal access and transparent procurement procedures result in lower prices and higher quality and provide better quality public services. With high pressure on governments to efficiently use taxpayers’ money for delivering public services reducing the cost of public spending is a key aspect of public procurement. It is also important that procurement officers responsible for purchasing goods, services and works for public sector respect taxpayers’ money and execute their duties in such a way that citizens can trust their professionalism and honesty in spending public funds.

Civil Society has the power to influence political, economic or public interest decisions, serving to monitor the work of government and public institutions and to take an attitude towards policies that are contrary to the citizen interests or in case of power abuse.

Every citizen and civil society organization shall be given an unrestricted access to public procurement information. Transparency of public procurement information can be easily and inexpensively achieved by implementing digital public procurement systems that by default use Open Data to provide an open access to public procurement information.

MTender produces real-time Open Contracting Data Standard compliant data. To get full access to OCDS 1.1 compliant data, any user can retrieve the list of existing OCIDs from MTender public point: (you can iterate the list using the 'offset' parameter provided in the data) and then collect OCDS 1.1 data from OCDS publication point{ocid}. You can also use Kingfisher Collect, a tool developed by the Open Contracting Partnership,  to get MTender data. In case you need support in using OCDS data, you can always contact free OCP Helpdesk –

Thanks to this approach, every citizen is able to use information provided by the MTender System to monitor how government is undertaking public duties and whether principles of fair competition and value for money in public procurement are respected in Moldova.

Upon its completion, the MTender System will provide the Civil Society with dedicated monitoring portal to provide feedback to Contracting Authorities, discuss specific procurements, assess quality of public contract delivery and submit a review request to enforcement bodies when necessary.

Recognizing the value of electronic procurement for civil society in Moldova, piloting of the MTender System is supported by the following non-governmental organizations:

organization 1

Centrul Analitic Independent „Expert-Grup”

organization 2
IDIS “Viitorul”
organization 1
Asociaţia pentru Guvernare Eficientă şi Responsabilă (AGER)
organization 1
Agenţia pentru Dezvoltare Regională “Habitat”
organization 1
Transparency International-Moldova
organization 1
Inițiativa pozitivă