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Dezvoltat cu sprijinul Ministerului Finațelor

About MTender

The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova is leading a transition to digital public procurement to ensure more transparent and efficient spending of the state budget of the Republic of Moldova.

New digital government service – MTender - will support public procurement from planning the purchase to payment for public contracts. It will shorten time for tendering for public bodies and waiting time for payment for suppliers and contractors.


With MTender digital service, all public tenders are accessible online and every procurement decision transparently published online in real time. Citizens can watch government procurement decisions and how taxpayers money are spent on public services.
On account of online and easy to participate tenders, the new fully digital procurement service will offer better access to opportunities in public procurement for business community, in particular local small and medium-sized enterprises.
For public bodies, new digital service will also bring improved planning of spending, quicker purchases and better-quality as a result of ‘zero paper’ electronic bidding procedures.
The MTender is a multi-platform networking digital procurement service it, comprise a government-operated web portal and the Open Data central database unit and is networking with several commercial electronic platforms certified to support electronic tendering procedures for public sector and commercial clients.
The MTender networking electronic procurement platform is a commercial electronic platform, authorised and certified for networking with the MTender and providing digital electronic tendering services to public sector clients as well as commercial buyers. Each MTender networking platform is providing a help desk service to buyers and economic operators registered on this platform to access digital services of the MTender.
Presently the MTender is networking with the following platforms:

Digital Public Procurement
30 November 2016
The Ministry of Finance, eGovernment Centre, Public Procurement Agency, business associations, NGOs, and IT companies signed a Memorandum to work collaboratively to develop a new digital procurement system for Moldova.
April 2017
A pilot of the MTender – a partnership between the Ministry of Finance and three commercial electronic platforms –,, and - was launched. Supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the MTender pilot attracted public and commercial buyers and successfully tested brand new concept of cooperative delivery of digital procurement service based on Open Government values of transparency, accountability and engagement with market stakeholders.
Since March 2018
Economic operators of Republic of Moldova are able to use the MTender for signing online any contract, public or commercial. Public bodies funded from the state budget may use the MTender for signing any public contract and registering it in the Treasury of the Republic
July 2018
Public procurement law [] of the Republic of Moldova has been changed to introduce electronic tendering procedures as a standard for all public sector entities in Moldova
From 15 October 2018
New types of electronic tendering procedures are becoming available on the MTender, to suit different types of contracts and serve different public and commercial buyers, including state-owned enterprises. First available are electronic public procurement procedures of request for quotation, negotiated procedure without publication and open tender.
From 26 October 2018
Go live
From 26 October 2018, transparent but easy-to-use online bidding procedures, with lowest price and price and non-price selection criteria, will be available to interested state-owned enterprises and commercial clients.
The EU Delegation to Moldova offered to support the Ministry of Finance and further development of the MTender - more modern purchasing tools, including dynamic purchasing system and innovative partnership will become available in 2019-2020.