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Dezvoltat cu sprijinul Ministerului Finațelor
Servicii de deservire tehnică și reparație a ascensoarelor
Servicii de deservire tehnică și reparație a ascensoarelor
21 Jan 2019
28 Jan 2019
06 Feb 2019
Auction period
07 Feb 2019
Estimated value excluding VAT
166 700 .00 MDL
Procedure type
Request for quotation
Procedure status
Buyer's Name
Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova
Number of Notice
Contracting authority
Official Name
Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova
National registration number
Postal Address
mun.Chişinău, str.Banulescu Bodoni, 61
Nuts code
Postal Code
Contact Persone
Iulia Braniste
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at:
Additional information can be obtained from
Iulia Braniste
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via:
Scope of procurement
Servicii de deservire tehnică și reparație a ascensoarelor
Main CPV code
50700000-2 - Servicii de reparare şi de întreţinere a instalaţiilor de construcţii
Type of contract
Estimated total value excluding VAT
166 700.00 MDL
Award criteria
Lowest price
Short description
Servicii de deservire tehnică și reparație a ascensoarelor
Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots
Tenders may be submitted for all lots
Servicii de deservire tehnică și reparație a ascensoarelor
Lot identifier
Place of delivery
2005, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str.B.Bodoni,61; 59, str.Albișoara 86/3; str. Cuza Vodă 12
Description of the procurement:
Servicii de deservire tehnică și reparație a ascensoarelor
50700000-2 Servicii de reparare şi de întreţinere a instalaţiilor de construcţii
Quantity/ Unit of measure
1 Bucata
Unit price (excluding VAT)
Estimated value excluding VAT
166 700.00 MDL
Total price (including VAT)
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Start: 25.02.2019 / End: 31.12.2019
This contract is not a subject to renewal
Information about variants
Variants will not be accepted
Information about options
No options
Type of procedure
Request for quotation
The procedure was included in the procurement plan of the contracting authority
Information about electronic auction
An electronic auction will be used
Additional information about electronic auction
Start date: 07.02.2019
Administrative information
Previous publication concerning this procedure
Prior Information Notice: № ocds-b3wdp1-MD-1548057936166-PN-1548057936209
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
06.02.2019 / 09:00
Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
28.01.2019 / 09:00
The tenders or requests to participate are submitted in the language specified in the tender documents.
Romanian, Russian
Conditions for opening of tenders
07.02.2019 / 12:14
For electronic tendering procedures: upon expiry of submission deadlines, MTender shall disclose received tender forms or requests to participate online on the MTender web portal and generate an electronic document with a record of opening.
For non-electronic procedures: negotiated with publication of contract notice, competitive dialogue,design contest and innovative partnership
Budget breakdown
Fundings source ID
166 700.00 MDL
The rationale for the procurement
A short free text description of the budget
Complementary information
Information about electronic workflows
  • Electronic ordering may be used.
  • Electronic invoicing (e-Factura) will be accepted.
  • Electronic payment in local currency (MDL) will be used.
  • The MTender does not require the use of tools and devices that are not generally available for electronic communication.
  • Use of mobile devices is not recommended for participating in the electronic auction.
Additional information
  • The contract does not involve joint procurement and is not awarded by a CPB.
  • This is not a recurrent procurement.
  • Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender is 90 days starting from opening of the tenders.
  • Failure of the selected Economic Operator to submit the contract performance guarantee, if applicable, or to sign the contract shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award of the contract and forfeiture of the bid guarantee.
Procedure documents
Contract Notice m.Chișinău
ID: 57330e02-cb22-4628-8526-4523c9da87e6-1548059283921
Published: 21.01.2019 / 08:28
Evaluation Criteria m.Chișinău
ID: c49e9c8d-4f8b-4cfa-9b01-b23d450da123-1548059283323
Published: 21.01.2019 / 08:28
Tender Documents m.Chișinău
ID: 35d8d4d3-2e7c-4dfe-ad66-0cd9f52a9ff5-1548059282252
Published: 21.01.2019 / 08:28
Procedures for review
Official Name
Agenția Națională pentru Soluționarea Contestațiilor
Postal Address
bd. Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt, 124, et. 4
Nuts code
Postal Code
Republic of Moldova
+373 22 820 652
+373 22 820 651
Main Internet address (URL)
Review/complaint procedures

The Economic Operator which has an interest in being awarded a public procurement contract and wishes to submit a complaint to the National Complaint Settlement Agency shall follow the procedures contained in Article 79-80 of the Law. Interim measures and suspention of the procedure may be requested

  1. The Economic Operator may submit a complaint within:
    1. 10 days, starting with the day following the acknowledgment, subject to the conditions of the Law, of a deed of the contracting authority deemed illegal, in case the value of the contract to be awarded, estimated pursuant to the provisions of Art. 3, is equal to or higher than the value thresholds set out under Art. 2 para.(3) of the Law;
    2. 5 days, starting with the day following the acknowledgment, subject to the conditions of the Law, of a deed of the contracting authority deemed illegal, in case the value of the contract to be awarded, estimated pursuant to the provisions of Art.3, is smaller than the value thresholds set out under a Art.2 para.(3) of the Law;
  2. Filing of the complaint regarding deeds of the contracting authority which are issued or take place before opening of the tenders, is shall be done meeting the terms set out under para. (1), however no later than the deadline for submission of the tenders set by the contracting authority with the observance of provisions under Art. 34.
  3. In case that the complaint referred to under para.(1) is related to documents published in electronic format, the acknowledgment date shall be their publication date.
Date of online publication of notice: 21/01/2019